I'll start by saying this is most certainly my weakness. I am unfamiliar with abstraction, decomposition, algorithms, and programming. Additionally, I have not seen this used in any classes outside of Computer/Technology classes. This does not mean it can't be used in other classrooms. I decided to dig deeper in to what computational thinking includes.
I started with clicking on the first link Ed Tech Self Assessment document. I was shocked that I could then create a game just like that. I felt this would a very cool way to create a game the class could do together or in group and it would be a good team building exercise and a fun way to improve collaborative skills.
When I went to Python, I was greeted with this screen. I have to admit, seeing the screen with all of the characters and numbers is intimidating for me. However, after playing around with the inputs (colors/numbers/shapes), I quickly saw this wasn't as daunting as I may have thought.
Above is the screenshot of the Educational Resource page from NYC Department of Education. This has everything and anything you'll need to answer your questions on Computing programming. This list is plentiful and each question has links or videos which will help answer the question you have. This is a great resource for teachers to use and I completely see myself using programming in the classroom.
I was really struck by your openness to engage with these tools that are new to you. I have found such willingness a key indicator of success in using ed tech (not to mention other pedagogical tools and strategies).
Hi Tom! I want to start out by saying that computer programming platforms are definitely one of my weaknesses as well. I absolutely have no clue how to use them, and maybe I should as a math teacher. My mom is a computer programming teacher and so I only know the very basics of what these platforms can do through her. I know she uses scratch and that the kids really enjoy using it and think it is fun. I really want to compliment you on the fact that you went and researched these sites that you did not know about and looked into them. That’s awesome. If I didn’t know anything about a specific site… I just gave myself…